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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out what the crest is for the last name Rothman? I know the name


How can I find out what the crest is for the last name Rothman? I know the name was changed when they came ove

I know that the name was changed when they came over from Russia. Please help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I see books in the library about Heraldy. Check nearby libraries and bookstores. There are various places who find them for a fee. I have used a couple of them. I think a place near mom's charges $15 for info on this. I have painted or made color drawings of crests for my family, including my sisters' husbands (each of 2 sisters wed thrice apiece). I know the heraldic language, for I have my own books on it. If you like, I can check in my books and libraries near me or Mom and tell you all about it. It takes a little time to do the research, if one does not want to pay $15. For that, you get a description of the coat of arms with crest and motto that is in heraldic language. You need me to transalate it for you. Let me know if you want me to look it up.
German (Rothmann) and Jewish (Ashkenazic): nickname for a person with red hair, from an elaborated form of Roth 1.
German: topographic name for someone who lived on land that had been cleared, from an elaborated form of Roth 2.
German (in Saxony and Silesia): occupational name for a counselor or nickname for a man respected for his opinions and advice, from a dialect variant of Middle High German rat ‘counsel’ + man ‘man’.

hope this helps. There is no such thing as a crest for a last name, so you won't find it.

You might find a crest for an individual man with that last name, who may or may not be related to you at all. You would not be entitled to use it if you are related or not. In many countries in Europe, you would be breaking the law by displaying another person's crest. Please see the link below

Crest is a misnomer for coat of arms. Coats of arms do not belong to surnames.
There are peddlers like, House of Names, who will sell you one based solely on a surname but that does not mean it belongs to you or was granted to anyone you are related to.

There might have been a coat of arms granted to one of your ancestors. You would have to research your famiy tree to find it. That might take a few years. However, even if one was granted to your ancestors, it might not belong to you.

Don't trust these people who sell coats of arms on the internet, at shopping malls, at airports or advertise them in magazines.

Unfortunately, there are teachers who ask their students to find their "family crest." We have had an upswing of inquiries about "family crest" since school started.
If you are a student and your teacher has asked you to find your "family crest," please educate her.