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What nationality are these last names?

Svoboda and


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Govednik = Lithuanian/Russian
Svoboda = Slavic, take your pick of country depending on the political climate in Europe in the 1800s. Some are Polish, some Slovak, some Czech, some Lithuanian
Mattera = Italian

No, Mattera isn't Spanish. Immigration records are extremely clear that the vast majority of the 1500 people entering the US with that name were from Italy. Source(s):
When in doubt go to and look them all up. who knows? the first two are probably russian maybe Slavic. the last, mattera, could be either italian or spanish but definitely European in origin. question for you. do you really mean nationality or are you referring to origin/heritage? another question. do you know the difference? i mean my name could be jones but if i was born in china my nationality would be chinese, right? it sounds German to me Mattera
variant of Matera.
possibly from a local form mat(t)era ‘wood’, from Spanish madera.

Czech: from a noun literally meaning ‘freedom’. This was a technical term in the feudal system for a freeman, i.e. a peasant farmer as opposed to a serf.

no name meaning and origin for Govednik

hope this helps. they sound sorta German or polish. Scandinavian maybe. I'm just guessing. ~xo :) Svoboda in russian means peace ( as in War & Peace), so it can be russian (former ussr countries) last name.
Govednik sounds polish to me.
Have no idea about Mattera. Maybe spanish?! The first two are Russian and not sure about the third name