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Position:Home>Genealogy> What name for my new son?


What name for my new son?

Henry Walker Smith or Taylor Bryson Smith?? It's such a boring last name what do you suggest???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Taylor Bryson Smith, it's a beautiful name, my niece has just had a boy would you mind if I suggest it for her boy, it really is lovely. We are in Nottingham England I am sure we'll start a new trend with the name. All the very best to you and your new baby boy. I say Taylor Bryson Smith, its an adorable name do you want people to call him TB, which sounds like the disease? With names, if it can happen, it will. Recently talked someone out of a willy-wally..... Can you imagine? Personally, Henry Bryson Smith flows better. Vladimir Ilyitch Lenin :-))) I am thinking Clark Kent Smith. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?