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Position:Home>Genealogy> What kind of a last name is Saraceno?


What kind of a last name is Saraceno?

where does that come from? i tried looking it up but i couldnt find it,

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3 days ago
c pernounced ch

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 3 days ago
c pernounced ch It is specifically from Sicily, where the "Saracens", Moslems who fought on behalf of the Turkish Empire, fought with Christian Knights for control of the Island. A person getting that name might or might not have Arabic ancestry (few Turks were actually involved), as many received such names on account of appearance, or lack of due diligence in attending church. One of the DNA checking companies could give you a good idea on that part. Saraceno
Italian: nickname from saraceno ‘Saracen’ (Late Latin Saracenus), denoting someone of swarthy appearance, an unruly person, or someone who had taken part in a Crusade. italian The name comes from a Latin based language and the pronunciation is more than likely Italian. But you should check with the Spanish and Portuguese as well. It is Italian but I don't know what it means