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Problems with blocking??

Were you aware that "improvements" to the yahoo system now allow you to BLOCK someone without any REASON at all?
Blocking someone who harrasses or violates is one thing. To block someone whose answer doesn't make you happy, is not only ridiculous but defeats the entire purpose of asking questions in the first place. If you block out any reply EXCEPT that which you "want" to hear.. you are not getting help at all. Not to mention.. by blocking someone from emailing back.. it prevents any kind of adult discussion in private.
It is especially silly.. when the same answer to the same question was posted a few weeks back, and the POSTER chose that answer as best. Anyone taking time to reply to someone in good faith should be treated with respect..even if the answer is not what one wants to hear, or does not understand it. After answering 2000 questions, I think I deserve that.
Someone can bring this to cheesehead's attention, please.

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4 days ago
I admit there are areas on yahoo answers where disputes are standard operating procedure.
I am one of several here who spend HOURS for the sole purpose of helping others... and this is insulting. But it ALSO harms the whole system, for all of us.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 days ago
I admit there are areas on yahoo answers where disputes are standard operating procedure.
I am one of several here who spend HOURS for the sole purpose of helping others... and this is insulting. But it ALSO harms the whole system, for all of us. That person should be blocked. If the answer was chosen as best a few weeks ago and now blocked? Did they take the advice and not like it? Even so, everyone has free will to accept or reject. There are those, I assume, who post just to have something to do. Their replies are often rude and insulting - these are the ones that need to be blocked. This site is a very good site to get questions answered. Most of us are not professionals in areas of questions being asked, but we truly want to help. This action is just not right! I agree. I Totally agree, love answers but you get more than your fair share of idiots on here, this is just another tool for them. I've blocked many people BUT that's because they were insulting to me, or had spam or were trying to sale me something. I've also blocked some one who answered all her questions the same way to every question she answered. I don't ask questions for my health, (I havent' yet anyway) I ask them because I want to know, or need help or suggestions about something. I don't want sold something, I don't want someone coming to my question and ask me to answer theirs, or be told they don't like my question or they just want to be a smart-you -know -what. I agree, it is stupid and a waste of time. There is a person on the religion and spirituality sight that keeps blocking questions about Christianity. I asked how do I know what denomination I should be, and it was reported.

I guess some people have to much time on there hands. I've only blocked 2 people ever. The first was a teenage twit who was sending me the stupidest emails and posting insults about my posts. She went away fast enough. The other is someone new to this board who posts really bad information. I can't figure out how to say anything nice about her posts, so if I don't read them, I don't have to get into it with her.

Maybe there are better reasons for blocking someone, but we all have things that push our buttons. Rather than letting that happen around here, blocking isn't such a bad idea.