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Question about nationality....?

My cousin insists that just because we are not from Ireland (but our great grandparents are) that we don't get to say we our irish when someone asks what your nationalities are, she says that we should say we are American because we were born here, is she right?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Technically, your cousin is right. Your nationality is that of an American. Your heritage is Irish.

We all should embrace our heritage. Our families all got here from somewhere else. My family is German on my mother's side and Irish and Scottish on my father's. My wife's family comes from France, England Ireland and Russia.

We are giving birth to our first child in December. He's going to have a Scottish first name and Irish middle name. I hope he is curious about his name. When he discovers the people, places and experiences that led up to his existence, I hope he dreams of great things like those who crossed the ocean with nothing more than blind faith and their own aspirations.