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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone tell me if the last name hammond is english or scottish?


Can anyone tell me if the last name hammond is english or scottish?

i have looked it up myself and it says on several sites it is english. but my boyfriend who is a hammond swears it is scottish.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hammond

English (of Norman origin): from a personal name, Hamo(n), which is generally from a continental Germanic name Haimo, a short form of various compound names beginning with haim ??home??, although it could also be from the Old Norse personal name H㡭undr, composed of the elements h㡲 ??high?? + mund ??protection??. As an Irish name it is generally an importation from England, but has also been used to represent Hamill 3 and, more rarely, McCammon.

Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4