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Position:Home>Genealogy> Sicilians have what nationalities mixed in with their italian heritage?


Sicilians have what nationalities mixed in with their italian heritage?

I know its Spanish and French but someone told me African is also another one. Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Guys, Check a map and see what Sicily is close to. That will tell you what combinations of blood they have.

Plus, check your history - you'll see that Sicily was conquered by several other groups, so there were randy soldiers running around from those places, too.

Italy is a country that has been conquered a lot, and also, in Roman times, they conquered a lot and brought home lots of prisoners from all over Europe and west Asia. So Italians have a lot of blood from all over. If you travel in the north of Italy near Germany you see lots of blonds and redheads. If you travel in the south you see a lot of people who are very dark skinned. It's not exactly a big puzzle why!