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Position:Home>Genealogy> By being a ward of the state, does it make it easier or harder to open my record


By being a ward of the state, does it make it easier or harder to open my records than through an agency?

I was adopted through the state of Colorado, so is it easier to get my records through the state than if I was adopted through an actual agency?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes it does make it harder. My husband was and we have not been able to get anything. Even medical info. Now his brother was adopted through Catholic Charities and found everything fast, even his birth parents. But when its through the state, they don't like to give you anything! And they are snobby too. We actually had to drive there because they never answer their phone! Tell them what we wanted and go back a couple of days later to get it. We did get papers on the adoption from the courts that did the adoption. They will give you that. BUT! Any identifying info is blacked out. Really helpful, aren't they?! However we did get his full birth name on it, so that was a start. But since then, that is all we have gotten. It is really hard, at least for us, to get anything with just a name. We need parents names to go along or some other info but can't get it. I wish you all the luck in the world in your search! God bless you in your search! Good luck!