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Great Grandparents Marriage Certficate?

I have been trying to get my Great Grandparents Marriage Record from West Virginia for the past year. I just got a letter from the Catholic Churhc Archives that they could not find the records again. I know they got married in either 1930 or 1931. They were from Italy and had their marriage arranged. Does anyone know of any other legal documents that would have this information on it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey JJK,

The church may not be the best place to get the record. Usually the church files the record with the local municipality, and they file it with the state. So, if you start with the town they were married in, and search for Vital Records, Marriage Certificates, you should locate a town/city record keeping facility. Otherwise, just pay more with the state records keeping.

For 1930, that should be easy. Here are some sites: