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Position:Home>Genealogy> I have recieved emal regarding a share of an inheritace the name is lucy .......


I have recieved emal regarding a share of an inheritace the name is lucy ....... and martin c...... is ths a?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Basically if you get an offer for free money from someone you don't know, it is a scam.

The inheritance one is new to me. Some of the current ones are:

Mystery Shopper jobs.

Take surveys for money (You can actually do this, but it works out to about $2 per hour.)

Collect funds from customers and send them on to a company in a foreign country, keeping 10% for yourself.

Corrupt government officials who have a million or twelve left over from a highway job and want to get it out of the country.

Rich farmer / merchant / banker killed by some sort of opressive regime, his widow / children need your help to smuggle millions out of the country or get it from a security company in Amsterdam.

Car crash, train crash, airplane crash, no next of kin.

Someone dying of esophageal cancer (always esophageal, oddly enough) who wants to share his/her money with you.

You won a lottery you didn't enter.

Unless you have friends in Africa from college or the Peace Corps or something, any e-mail from Africa you get is likely to be a scam.

Anything from "" is likely to be a scam.

Any e-mail with "Mr." or "Esq" in the sender's name is likely to be a scam.

As always, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably IS too good to be true.