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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where did the surname "Brutus" originate?


Where did the surname "Brutus" originate?

I know that was the surname of Julius Caesar's asassin, but did it originat in Rome?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello dear!
Brutus is an ancient Greek name.
The most famous Brutus, with important contribution to world history is the grand son of Aeneas, the Greek Trojan prince who left Try, after the Danaoi captured the city, but allowed him to take two ships and whatever he wanted, by the generals Agamemnon and Odysseus.
Brutus, about 3,300 years ago, asked the Oracle of Artemis, in the Greek Oracle of Melita (today's Malta) who directed him to reach Thule (today's Britain). The people and historians gave the name of Brutus to the island (Brutus -> Brutania -> Britain)