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Was there a Digger Native American Tribe? And did the tribe change there name to Chukchansi?

Were not sure if theres a tribe named the Digger tribe, but we heard there was, and also heard that they changed there tribe name to Chukchansi.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most of the Indian tribes called themselves something like "The People" or "Us" in their language. Most of the names they got stuck with were derogatory; "Flat Heat", "Blackfeet", etc.

Sometimes the Europeans asked a neighboring tribe who lived over the hill. They usually got a derogatory answer; sometimes "The Enemy", sometimes a comment on what they ate. Ask a Brit who lives across the channel, he may say "The frog eaters" or just "The frogs". We used to call Germans "krauts" for the same reason.

It is as if the tribe we know as the "Irish" was called the "Drunkards", the tribe we know as the Scots were called "Canny tightwads", or the tribe we know as "Italians" were called "Lazy and stupid, but good cooks".

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