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Family Genealogy?

I am a subsciber to ancestry and another site, but would like to know how i can find out what ship my Grandfathers brother David Stubbington born approx 1887, belived to have lived at Reginald Road Portsmouth Hants sailed on ,as all I know is he was a sailor, no more information about him, also I believe my grandfather had 3 sisters Beatrice and Mary who were in daily service and Kate was a scholar, but no other information . Any help most appreciated as I have drawn a blank.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If he was a Royal Navy sailor you should be able to get a fair amount of information on-line from the National Archives. Once you get his Navy number you can get his naval records for a couple of quid.

If he was a merchant sailor you're going to have to do a heck of a lot of digging. You'll need to go through merchant boat records going in and out of Portsmouth to see who was on board. If your relative was low ranking he probably won't be named unless he got in trouble. Again the National Archives have a lot of these records. Otherwise I'd try the Portsmouth Public Records office and ask what records they have available.

Good luck.