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Is 12 haplotypes enough ? Can I identify my haplogroup correctly ?

thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Martin,

A 12 Marker test is enough to id your halpogroup. I have included some text from the two web pages below.

A genetic population group associated with early human migrations and which can today be associated with a geographic region. It is important to note that even though female and male haplogroups may have the same letters, their definitions are different.

One person's set of values for the markers that have been tested. Two individuals that match exactly on all markers have the same haplotype.

Ethnic and Geographic Origins: All Y-DNA tests allow you to identify your ethnic and geographic origins, both recent and far distant on your direct male descending line. Among others, you will be able to check your Native-American or African Ancestry as well as for the Cohanim Ancestry.

Y-DNA12 - 12 Marker Test: this test is the world standard to verify the Y chromosome for genetic matches between males. Results are placed in our Y-DNA database and when 2 people show the same identical results, we will inform both parties if they have both signed the FTDNA Release Form. The customer receives a Certificate & report generally describing Y-DNA sequencing and the meaning of the probability between matches.