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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for GEORGE THACKER about 57 years old and attended CINCINNATI public sch


Looking for GEORGE THACKER about 57 years old and attended CINCINNATI public schools during the 50s and 60s.?

George's father was also named George and his mother was from KY and died in the mid 1960's. He had an (uncle) named SHIRLEY. GEO. married and divorced and had several daughters. Worked at a chemical company in Norwood, Ohio after leaving Cutter school. Last heard from him in 1973. May have moved to KY and is possibly deceased.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Ray,

Here are some popular web locators. If George is not listed you may need the private investigations, or pay sites.

The White Pages have the following George Thackers in Ohio:

15394 State Route 243
Chesapeake, OH 45619-8667
(740) 867-3977

940 Argyll Dr
Maumee, OH 43537-3707
(419) 893-2352

71 Pickett Rd
Union City, OH 45390-8608
(937) 968-5551

70247 Donahue Rd
Vinton, OH 45686-8537
(740) 669-7103

And, there are 32 more found.

If he is deceased you should find him in the LDS Family Search site, and I do not find his name born in Cincinnati. You may want to check the last web site. That is good news, he may still be alive.