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Mexican a race?

is mexican a race literally cause a guy got a blood test and he said that mexcan/hispanic apeared literally on dna marker is this possible

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mexican is a label, NOT A RACE.

Being "MEXICAN" is no different than being "AMERICAN" genetically speaking.
Mexico has a large Native American population from many different types of Native Americans (genetically speaking Eastern Cherokees are genetically different than Western Apaches), along with a mixture of Europeans, though mainly Spanish.
Quite recently Mexico has launched a race-based genome project to determine if a genetic basis exists for its growing health crisis. The goal is to glean insights into genetic differences, believed to be unique to its population, that may play a key role in chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes and hypertension.
The National Genomic Medicine Institute of Mexico, or INMEGEN will begin by sampling individuals in six remote regions of Mexico to construct a consensus genetic map that fits the entire Mexican mestizo population, a mixture of Europeans and Indians. The first objective is to determine if every block of nucleic acid sequence will be alike for all the Mexican groups.
This was in August 2005. Very new stuff.
Mexican OR Mestizo is a label, NOT A RACE. One cannot generalize about the mexican/mestizo any more than one can make generalizations about Spaniards. Neither is ethnically homogeneous. Mexico has more than 60 different ethnic Indian groups which make up approximately 10% of the total population.