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Position:Home>Genealogy> Wouldn't it be interesting if all your Ancestors could meet?


Wouldn't it be interesting if all your Ancestors could meet?

Like in one big reunion? It would for me because there would be German, Chinese, Portuguese and Filipino people in one room. It would be the gathering of the Caucasians, the Asians and the Spanish....Come to think of it, I don't think they would like each other very much......

How about your ancestors? =)

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8 months ago
I mean if they could be revived from the dead or something and meet today....?

thanks Jaread.

8 months ago
"Then zipped off to some massive room where everyone is gathering"
lol quite the imagination eh? I think the massive room= heaven perhaps if there is one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
I mean if they could be revived from the dead or something and meet today....?

thanks Jaread.