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Looking for Diane K. Umrath family tree?

Dulle Family
Jefferson Ciy Missouri
Comiled 1960

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm guessing you want a copy of the manuscript "Diane K. Umrath Family Tree", which concerns the Dulle surname and was compiled in 1960. Jefferson City is either where the Dulles lived or where Ms. Umrath lived.

has 501 entries for the surname Dulle. Jefferson City is in Cole County. The link above has 20 entries for surname Dulle with

birth place = Cole, MO

You have to use the 2-character abbreviation for Missouri. One of the people with those Dulles may have a copy of the manuscript.

This isn't a perfect answer. I suspect it is the best you are going to get here.

is devoted to the surname. If you post your question there, someone may answer. If you do post there, make it clear what you want. They have higher standards than YA. I guessed what you wanted. If I guessed correctly, it is because I have honed my mind to razor sharpness over the years by reading detective stories. Not everyone does that.