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Why is no-one out there interested in genealogy?

There are zillions of people worldwide searching numerous websites for info about their ancestors. Why are none of these folk on Yahoo! Answers?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Demographics would be my guess. Most YA users are below the age of 25. They ask things like:

"my BF beat me and cheat me but i luv him 2 much 2 leave. wat shud i do?"

They also want to enter their name somewhere and get a 12-generation tree with a family coat of arms for each surname, without working for it, the way they can download music without paying for it.

The GenForum and Ancestry boards get a couple of thousand Q a day. RootsWeb has 28,000 surname, county and special interest mailing lists. Genealogy is extremely popular. From my experience, on-line and in the county genealogy society, most of us are over 40. We know how to spell and punctuate, too, except for some of my cousins in W. Virginia.