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When were we related?

If you count you ancesters the more you go back the more there are (you have two parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandpaents, and so on) but population on earth decreases the more you go back on history, so at what point were we all related?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, as someone who does not believe in the fairytales the bible tells, I find this is indeed a very interesting question.
I have been working on my family tree for about 15 years know and I go back to 1750 and have more than 500 people in there already (only counting the direct lines and not the ones that married into the family).
I would say we don't have to go back at all, we are all somehow related by cousins of all grades.
Looking at it from a historian's point of view we were all obviously related when we lived in family units back in the stone age. When the population started to grow and people started to settle down, marriage between families started so we got more related but also lost track of the relations.
And most important of all you have to say where you draw the line between humanity and pre-human. If you take Lucy, then I'd say we were all related when Lucy had kids!

But if you specifically want to find out about the two of us ;-) .. well, send me some data and I'll see if I can establish a link. Anything that leads to Austria, Poland and Romania could be a hit. Hope I could help!