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Position:Home>Genealogy> How we know that this tree is called as mango tree?who had first named it?tell m


How we know that this tree is called as mango tree?who had first named it?tell me ?I'm not duffer?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A good question. I like this one. Like many other things it is difficult to say why it should be called a mango tree and why not a neem tree. Why do you read the alphabet "A" as 'A' and not as 'M'. Why should a word climbing indicate the action of going up and not shouting at other fellows. Why the colur of the Ocean be known as Blue and not pink. How do all understand these things in the same way. Who initiated this? They are all similar to the unresoved question of Chicken first or Egg first. ? When the humans began to speak, they must have realised the need to understand things in te same fashion and communicate with each other. So they have named things that way.Who gave the name , difficult to say.
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