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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for Jean Voncannon from siler city North Carolina?


Looking for Jean Voncannon from siler city North Carolina?

she lived in Siler City, North Carolina in in the early 70's. I believe she may have fathered one of my children. I really want to know. Was told she married and moved to Bear Creek, North Carolina, but do not know if this is true or not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ummm - SHE could not have FATHERED one of your children. Do you mean you have foster children and he/she is the biological father/mother?

The other possibilities boggle the mind. Even if she was the tech at the sperm bank where you were artificially inseminated, she wouldn't count as a father.

If you had two or more lovers at the time, and "he" was one of them, then "he" later had a sex change operation and Gene became Jean, your question makes sense. Is that what happened? Or did you just type your Q before your first cup of coffee?