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Position:Home>Genealogy> Anyone reading from Middlesex?


Anyone reading from Middlesex?

anyone out from Middlesex, and do you know it's history? My grandfather's birth certificate from 1863 says he was registered at Mile End Old Town (District East) County of Middlesex. My dad always thought his father was from East London (Bow bells) but i guess the birth certificate put pays to that! So, Mile end old town - does it still exist? if so what's it like? and what was it like? What sort of people lived there etc.

Additional Details

8 months ago
Stephen 095. when you say my dad was right don't you mean wrong? East London isn't middlesex is it? thanks for the other info.

8 months ago
Sorry i'm so stupid, i've just checked out the web site you kindly gave me and see that mile end old town was east london - i never knew middlesex was east london, but then i'm from east devon!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
Stephen 095. when you say my dad was right don't you mean wrong? East London isn't middlesex is it? thanks for the other info.