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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find informatio online about the land and location that my home is buil


How do I find informatio online about the land and location that my home is built on?

I am looking for information such as who lived there before my family and what was in the location before my home was built? I have been told there are "spirits" or "ghosts" on my land and not to sound silly but if you ever watch Silvia Brown on the Montel show, she says to look into what was on your land before your home was there and who lived there, so that is what I am trying to do but I can't find out how to obtain the information I am looking for. Does anyone know where or how I can get this information?

Additional Details

8 months ago
It was the house I grew up in and my mom still lives there, however I now live over 1,000 miles away so I can't go to any county building for answers. I'm hoping there is something online.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
It was the house I grew up in and my mom still lives there, however I now live over 1,000 miles away so I can't go to any county building for answers. I'm hoping there is something online.