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Famous people from Juniata County, Pennsylvania?

I live in this beautiful county and am trying to find things of historical signifigance about it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Famous Graves in Juniata Co., PA

Nancy Culp AKA 'Miss Jane Hathaway' on the 1960s television comedy series "The Beverly Hillbillies."

and others

George H. Allaman - hunter, explorer, scout, friend of old-time military leaders, rancher and cattle man, merchant and banker.

J. Horace McFarland (1859-1948) - "Father of the National Park Service," and promoted city planning and zoning to prevent urban sprawl.

Trimmer Family of Decatur
Ancestors to President Richard Nixon -
Anthony Trimmer - born in 1781 in Fermanagh Twp, Juniata, Pennsylvania. His daughter, Margaret, married George Nixon.