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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to find out about my heritage, my family tree. I know I am Irish, B


I am trying to find out about my heritage, my family tree. I know I am Irish, Black,Cherokee but I learned I?

Bohemian also, does anyone know about this culture, or could lead me to find out what last names mean, if it is IRish, German etc. Also tell me about the Bohemian culture. I know I look Latin and Asian because of my eyes. We love latin foods also... that is all I have really cooked and ate most of my life. Please help

Thank you in advance

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You probably want to get one of those genetic tests done. they are about a 100 bucks and only require a swab from the inside of your cheek. Considering that African Americans were slaves, you probably will have a much higher percentage of white blood than you expect as there was a lot of voluntary and less than voluntary (i.e. rape) jungle fever.
The bohemians (also called gypsies and now the ROMA peaople in Europe) actually descended from India. they have beautiful clothes and make interesting jewelry. Sometimes they still lead a nomadic lifestyle as this is hard to get out of and people criticize them for not bathing but it's hard to bathe if you move from place to place. Also they have contributed a lot to European society and have mixed in agreat deal with them as well. I think there are still some gypsies left in Mississippi.
Good Luck and Best Wishes! It looks like you come from a great deal of wonderful and varied stock!