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My sir name is chater any chaters out there?

we came from wiltshire in 1847 to rotherhithe london married a girl izzeman the offspring moved to swanscombe in kent and we are all here can you fill in the gaps or are you related.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Chater
This interesting surname of English origin is an occupational name for the buyer of provisions for a large household. It is derived from the
Anglo Norman French 'acatour' meaning 'a buyer for a house'. The name dates back to the early 13th Century, (see below). Further
recordings include Robert le Achatour (1229) 'The Rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey, Cambridgeshire'. Elias le Katur (1271) 'The Court
Rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey and of the Honox of Clare, Cambridgeshire'. Variations in the idiom of the spelling includes Cater, Cator,
Chatees, Chaytor, etc.. One Jane Chater married Richard Sharret on November 1st 1591 at St. Bride Fleet Street, London. John Chater
married Ellin Watteson at St. Dunstan, Stepney on August 14th 1603, and one John Chater was married to Anthony Wiggins on the
April 22nd at St. Giles, Cripplegate, London. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of
William le Chatur, which was dated
1220, Pipe Rolls of Bedfordshire, during the reign of
King Henry 111, 'The Frenchman', 1216 - 1272.