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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are there any Riseden's here from Oneida Tennessee or related to them?


Are there any Riseden's here from Oneida Tennessee or related to them?

Hello! I am hoping to find someone out there related to Riseden's in the Oneida tn. area or actual Riseden's or anyone related to a Riseden-lol If you are one, related to one or know one please let me know!! thanks everybody.

Additional Details

8 months ago
Hi Jo Jo,
My grandmother is Emma Lorene Riseden and I may know a few of you. Go to my profile and email me if you can. Thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
Hi Jo Jo,
My grandmother is Emma Lorene Riseden and I may know a few of you. Go to my profile and email me if you can. Thanks!