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Fiction: Creating a genealogy for a Vladimir Fox...?

Here's the catch: I need one of the parents to be from China or Japan. The other parent can be from anywhere, but I've always imagined from Germany or Russia given that the two parents named their son Vladimir.
The story is taking place slightly in the future, but these two descendants can be from any past time period. They needn't be his parents; just to be in his genealogy.

I always imagined that his father was a Russain scientist during the beginning of World War II, who agreed to help America in order to come over.

The problem with this is America's distrust in "commies" and how would this scientist meet and fall in love with an asian?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Trakx,

Since it does not have to be real, you can just make it up. Get a Genealogy Software package, and trace a lineage that you like, maybe one that goes through someone with traits that are well known today. Chinese, russian, etc will not matter. Same principles apply, Use GENFORUM for a family or any of the names you can find that maybe came over through Ellis Island. You can find actual ones, get real certificates, and alter them slightly to protect the real people. That way they sound legitimate.