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The historical crest of orfino?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This site says "We may have your family crest, Orfino, please call." My take on this is that if you are willing to pay, they will put something together and call it your family crest.

Actually, coats of arms and family crests were handed down from one generation of nobility to another. In fact, only the eldest legitimate son was supposed to display these items. So, beware of the scammers who will try to sell you a family crest.

Before I knew better, I even bought coats of arms for my maternal and paternal lines which were printed out at a kiosk at the mall. Wish I had my money back!

"There is a widespread misconception that a crest and a coat of arms belong to everyone with the same family name or several people descended from the same matriculator; this is due in part to Victorian stationers' marketing of engraved letterheads and in part to pretensions; this constitutes usurpation. Bogus "family crests" continue to be sold to the gullible by heraldic "bucket shops."