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Please help me find someone?

I cannot subscribe to all the "good" people search places, I have lost a relative and would like to find her, her name is Tracey Owens, married name Yeomans and last lived in Michigan or Arizona, originally from Lynn MassachusettsI tried all the usual search engines, and got possibilities, she is listed in, but I can't afford a membership to send her a mail or get the information, can anyone else help?

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8 months ago
I have aleardy been the classmates route and many other free services, and left messages where I could.
I was hoping someone with a reunion membership could look it up for me, I would greatly appreciate it, this is for a family matter.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 8 months ago
I have aleardy been the classmates route and many other free services, and left messages where I could.
I was hoping someone with a reunion membership could look it up for me, I would greatly appreciate it, this is for a family matter.