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Where can igo to find my family tree?

im a african american that would love to find my family roots.i know who my mother and father is but i want to go back as far as i can like at lest 4 generrations

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My family is doing the same thing and this is what I have learned about creating and building your family tree.

Start with the living. Ask every family member to give you all the information in their head about other family members.
Birth dates, schools attended (location and dates), Marriage information, Children (names, ages) and Military Service, as well as Date of death.

Get a genealogy software to help you stay focused and organized.

Once you have all this plug in the names and numbers.

There are a few web sites that can help you.

Go to the county courthouses and look up the names of the person you have.

Once you have tried all of those places the Mormon Church has the largest collection of information on African Americans in the US. Take everything you have collected to their library and you will find out more.
Read more here

Good Luck!