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What nationality is The Last Name Of Kibler?

My 3rd Grade Daughter is doing a project and needs to know this and also about her dads Last Name, Stephens. After asking what nationality is that name? they also ask when did your family first move to the United States? Im not too much into Ancestry or Geneolgy, So I Need HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!......... Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Surname meanings and origins

Tell them before the Civil War for the move. Those names are common enough it could be true, and the teacher has no way of checking. Teachers are fond of giving out assignments that would take a competent genealogist a month. I usually advise people to lie.

You can look up two men with those names on

(It has to be men, so the surnames continue.)

Pick a state that is east of you, or your home state if you live on the Atlantic. Tell the teacher they are your ancestors. Figure 30 years per generation. So, if your daughter is about 8, you are probably within 10 years of 38, and born within 10 years of 1968. If you find someone b. 1848 - 120 years ago - he is 4 generations from you:

You - 1968
Parent - 1938
Gparent - 1908
1st GGparent - 1878
2nd GGparent - 1848