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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I find out hospitals established in Oklahoma City in 1972?


How do I find out hospitals established in Oklahoma City in 1972?

I would like to obtain medical records for myself, but i am unsure of the date and which hospital i was in. What steps would i take to begin my most needed research?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: At the time, did you have a social secutiy number?
If so, you can use that to help identify yourself. You may not get a response right away if at all. Those records are very old and are probably in an archive vault and not in their computers.
Most of all the major hospitals are still there from "way back".
If you were adopted at birth, your gonna be out of luck.

Now, the best way to find out what hospitals were up and running in 1972 is the old city directories for OKC in the library. Yes they do keep old directories. Just call them up or go by and have a volunteer help you find them. They will have the listings of all the hospitals in the area.

I have had to do this with other research and it's a great resource!