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How to find my adopted brother?

My brother was adopted in the 1950's and it was only last year after my mother passed away that my aunt told me about him. She went to Manchester to give birth and then had him adopted, all i know was that his name was jeffery, i wouild love to find him but dont no how to go about it. has anyone found someone or have any idea's i could try. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure what the law are regarding adoption records in the UK, but in the US, they are sealed unless a court order is obtained, almost always by the parents, but perhaps it's possible by the brother? Usually the adoptee has to give permission before he can be found, so some agent will act as go between the court and the adoptee to gain his consent. It would be much easier if he was searching for you, rather than you trying to find him, because the only this that likely hasn't changed for him is his birth date and location, while your names have remained the same.

I found my birth mother by contacting the doctor listed on my altered birth certificate. It was the only name that hadn't been altered. He has died but his wife kept his records and happily provided me the name of my mother. I was able to contact her after a few months more searching.

If he is searching, he may know his mother's name and be searching online for her, or have given the adoption agency permission already if anyone were to attempt contact, and that's your best hope other than to go to court for the records from the adoption agency.