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How can you found out your percentage of indian blood if not registered with any tribe?

I'm of Cherokee descendant but our family is NOT registered with the tribe and we have no roll number.

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7 months ago
I think I should clarify that I'm not trying to prove whether or not I'm indian. I know for a fact that I have indian blood. I have several documents proving so and I have an extensive genealogy. But genealogy does not always tell you how much indian blood or even if they are indian. My great grandmother told me that we are Cherokee. I have a good solid document to prove this. But I have indian on my father's side as well...but no documents.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
I think I should clarify that I'm not trying to prove whether or not I'm indian. I know for a fact that I have indian blood. I have several documents proving so and I have an extensive genealogy. But genealogy does not always tell you how much indian blood or even if they are indian. My great grandmother told me that we are Cherokee. I have a good solid document to prove this. But I have indian on my father's side as well...but no documents.