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Position:Home>Genealogy> We're all relatives??


We're all relatives??

i've alwys wndered if we're all relativs ( i mean ol of us humans here in earth).. arnt we?? our ancestors of courz came frm the very very 1st couple..

so............................... are we cuzins?? =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes , we are all cousins .Scientists traced present day mitochondrial DNA , which is only inherited from females , to a woman dubbed Mitochondrial Eve 100,000 to 200,000 years ago . The idea is that all of us inherited mitochondrial DNA from our mothers who got it from their mothers and so on , back to Mitochondrial Eve . " Eve " is our most recent mitochondrial anchestor . " Humanity is indeed one big family and we're all 100th cousins ." said Professor Joseph T . Chang at Yale University .