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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am looking for any history on my family name which is schildknecht from kentuc


I am looking for any history on my family name which is schildknecht from kentucky?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Schildknecht is of german origin and for a german quite obvouis.

In the middle age the military forces were mainly formed by knights, they had a lot of heavy armor and weapons. They needed a person who takes care of this, carry it, maintain it. It was a kind of servant, usually young man who were in training as a fighter.

The word "Schild" means "shield", on the shield was the sign of the knight or the sign of the party he fought for. "Knecht" means "servant".

The name is quite famous in Germany.

It is no surprise that this name pops up in Kentucky: the landscape is very similar to Germany and Kentucky was a famous state in the US to move to for German immigrants.