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How do find past records of someone who is deceased?

I know this persons social security, can this help in my search for records of jobs she had here in california?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it is worth $27 to you, the SSA will sell you a copy of her SSN application. If she applied before they became mandatory at birth, the application will have her employer at the time. Go to the Roots Web SSDI, look her up and click on "SS-5".

Her other employers may tell you "yes, she worked for us" or "no, she didn't", but there isn't a web site of employees tied to SSN and I doubt the SSA will release a list of her earnings/employers without a court order. So, you'd have to write to every potential employer and ask.

Her obituary may list her most recent or longest occupation.
has some advice there, if you don't find it from the excellent links others have already given you.

Best of luck!