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Natchez Indians, how is it pronounced?

Is it pronounced Na-chez or Na-chee? It is for my child's report. I am having a hard time finding the necessary info on this tribe. Thanks!

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Pronounced "Nochi"

Natchez. A well-known tribe that formerly lived on and about St Catherine's Creek, east and south of the present city of Natchez, Miss. The name, belongings to a single town, was extended to the tribe and entire group of towns, which included also peoples of alien blood who had been conquered by the Natchez or had taken refuge with them. Iberville, on his ascent of the Mississippi in 1699, names, in the Choctaw language, the following 8 towns, exclusive of Natchez proper: Achougoulas, Cogoucoula, Ousagoncoula, Pochougoula, Thoucoue, Tougoulas, Yatanocas, and Ymacachas.