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Am I considered Jewish at all ?

I've been researching all sides of my fmaily history and found out that on my mother's side of the family going back 4 generations maternally there was a jewish great-great-great-great grandmother.
Also I have a couple other distant jewish relations but on my mother's paternal side.
My mother's brothers, grand uncles and grandfather alll looked very jewish btw. Olive skin, dark hair/ eyes and they were supposed to be just Scottish we thought.
Should I consider myself at all Jewish ?
Interestingly 5 of my 7 friends have all been jewish.
And if Im interested in dating a Jewish guy would this matter to him ?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know. I feel that if you want to be Jewish you should be able to, but the religious can be very obstructive when they choose to be.
I'm not sure how Judaism operates. I'm partly Jewish too. My grandmother was a Jew and my grandfather Catholic, so their children were brought up Catholic. (Talk about out of the frying-pan into the fire. I think both religions use guilt to make people behave "right" (or at least the way their clergy think they should)
If you want to be Jewish go and see a Rabbi and talk it over with him or her.