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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I get royalties/allotments from te-moak tribe, Battle Mnt, Nv.?


How do I get royalties/allotments from te-moak tribe, Battle Mnt, Nv.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You can call us at 713-866-6249 and give us records of your tribal heritage to prove you are a Te-Moak and that you are worth of our support and our gods.

-birth certificate/tribal naming ceremony certificate
-family tree or tribal record
-photo ID

Once you call us we will tell you of our Te-Moak Heritage Information And Meeting Long-House Center where you can meet with us and discuss these royalties and allotments which you just might be entitled to.

Have a wonderful day
Blessings from your (possibly) brothers in the Te-Moak