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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I go about finding relatives in Caserta, Italy when I have only my grandm


How do I go about finding relatives in Caserta, Italy when I have only my grandmothers name to search with?

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7 months ago
My grandmother met and married my grandfather while he was stationed in italy during the war. Her maiden name was Giaquinto.(not sure of the spelling) She was about 18 when she returned with my grandfather to America. She lived with her mother and 3 sisters. Her father lived in New York for a short time and worked as a police officer and died afer returning to Italy. One of my fathers cousins called shortly after my grandmother died to inquire about her well being. My father never thought to get any contact information from him before disconnecting the call. My only information about him is that he called himself Cousin Charlie. I would very much appreciate any information about my grandmothers family.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
My grandmother met and married my grandfather while he was stationed in italy during the war. Her maiden name was Giaquinto.(not sure of the spelling) She was about 18 when she returned with my grandfather to America. She lived with her mother and 3 sisters. Her father lived in New York for a short time and worked as a police officer and died afer returning to Italy. One of my fathers cousins called shortly after my grandmother died to inquire about her well being. My father never thought to get any contact information from him before disconnecting the call. My only information about him is that he called himself Cousin Charlie. I would very much appreciate any information about my grandmothers family.