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Can you help me find my biological father?

Well, i'm 14 years old and I want to find my father. I don't live with my birth mother, she stays in New York. She only gave me little information, his name is Anthony (no last name), he's in the Army, and he may be in Germany. I don't think he knows me and I want him to. I'm not happy where I am at the moment and I want to get away. At this moment I feel as though I need a father, someone to understand me and someone who's there for me. The family members that I live with now don't understand me and I feel as though if I find my father, I can find my other piece that's missing, the part no one understands. I desperately need to find my father, I need him so bad and for him to want me as bad as I need him. So if anyone knows a man named Anthony who's dark skin, short, and may b built and used to date a female named Linda who wouldn't marry them, then please tell them that I am looking for them and they have a daughter that they don't know. He must be older than 30.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Keishana,

I am sure your father would love to know you too. You sound like a wonderful teen and person. Here are some places that you can check, but you really need to get his surname. Does your birth certificate list him?

You need to have some permissions too, to search some of these sites, you are suppose to be of age... You should cozy up to your mom if you can, and get all the information you can about your dad. It would help if you had her blessing, support and permission. She does not have to meet or see him, just support you. Try that angle with her, because you really need more information.