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Is there DNA testing to find ancestry?

I only know my matriarchal family. Can patriarchal DNA be revealed ? I am female.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey M M,

DNA can assist in identification of your roots, and verify an Ancestrial tree, where it merges with a 'distant cousin'. The Patriarchal test is sometimes called the surname test. Family Tree is one way where a brother, father, uncle, male cousin could help in this testing, but it must be done with a male of the surname. I am putting the description page for Family Tree. There are other tests, and more markers that can help identify matches in a data base of people. You might want to look into those. It was recommended that I take a 37 marker test for my family - the family project recommended that. There is one more test, significantly more expensive that you can take, but that is male also.

Y-DNA67 - 67 Marker Test: the highest resolution Y-DNA test in the world: tests the Y chromosome for genetic matches between males. Results are placed in our Y-DNA database and when 2 people show the same identical or near identical results, we will inform both parties if you have both signed the FTDNA Release Form. A perfect match of 67 markers means a very tight connection: a common ancestor in very recent times. The customer receives a Certificate & report generally describing Y-DNA sequencing and the meaning of probability between matches.

Try some of the other DNA tests, Sorenson is free. I am not sure if you have any male family members that could assist you, I asked an Uncle in one case for my Matriarchal side surname.

The last site in my list describes that Matriarchal testing can be done. "...Matriarchal lines can also be traced, although done in a slightly different manner than those for males. Typically, females who are tracing their ancestral line through their female forebears do so by being identified with a particular Haplogroup, which helps trace through maternal family lines."