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Blended family tree?

hey-- i'm trying to create as a gift a family tree for my new husband, and would like to find one since showing how to include our children from previous relationships....anyone have an idea of a website or template or FREE help with doing this?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most of us don't. If you mean a pretty thing that looks like a tree and has pictures of kids as leaves, you'll have to be creative.

Most genealogists who still use paper use two forms; family group sheets and pedigree charts.

A pedigree chart starts out with one person on the far left, that person's mother and father to the right, the grandparents to the right of them and so on, Depending on how small you write, what size paper you use and how many facts you include, you can get 4, 5 or 6 generations per sheet. You always put the biological parents or "Unknown".

Family Group sheets have a man and woman at the top - usually husband and wife, but not always. They list birth, marriage and death dates and places for each (marriage for just the husband, since it is the same for the wife.) It lists each of their children, the child's BMD dates & places, child's spouse's name. (There is room for multiple spouses.)

You do one FGS for each coupling that produced children, and each marriage. If someone fooled around with three women before he got married - long enought to have children - then married and divorced three times, you would have 6 FGS for him, the cad.

You could put your husband and his ex on the left, with their children around them, him closest to the center line, and yourself on the right, you closest to the center line, with your ex to your side and your children around you.