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Position:Home>Genealogy> My family name is Cosep, is there any other family name outside the Philippines


My family name is Cosep, is there any other family name outside the Philippines that is the same with my name?

Except for Filipinos working or residing abroad... Thanks.. Im searching for the roots of our family. I know its not originated in the Philippines but somewhere else around the latin people or in europe. Please help me find my ancestors... thanks...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey Grant,

The family search site has 15 Cosep entries, all from the Philippines. Ellis Island has no entries for Cosep.

Swyrich did not have Cosep either. There are no GENFORUM entries for COSEP, and a FAMILY COSEP search is listed below.

When looking for people, one method is to search for "WHITE PAGES <Country Name>", then use that search for surnames. You could do that for countries that you suspect you may originate. At least it is a path to try.

COSEP was used by a couple of organizations as the name of their organization, where it began to look like a surname in the search. But on further reading, the name was just an Acronym for an Organization.