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Position:Home>Genealogy> Besides money and wisdom, what other things would be nice to leave to your child


Besides money and wisdom, what other things would be nice to leave to your children?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anything they associate with you. I am attached to my mothers recipes, photos, music, bibles, and jewelry, because they were a part of who she was. I just wish I had videos of her, hear her voice once again. So again, anything that your children associate with you is good, even if it is something like a tackle box, or hunting riffle, depending on your interests. Your children don't want things, but look to associate things with you. I can walk through a crowd, and smell Tabu or White Shoulders perfume and go wild mentally looking for my mother. This is also the reason I can't chew Juicy Fruit gum, without tears welling in my eyes, even after 27 years. Memories are precious and priceless. Nothing on earth can take your place, but things that remind them of you, and who you are, do bring comfort. Take as many pictures as you can of yourself with your children, and write the each a personal note telling you how much you love them. This alone is priceless. You cannot imagine how much such a gesture would mean, so trust me on this one.