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Position:Home>Genealogy> Is there a roll for the cherokee nation of mexico?


Is there a roll for the cherokee nation of mexico?

I think some of my ancestors may have been mexican cherokees.

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7 months ago
LOL there is a cherokee nation of mexico. They are cherokee people that moved to mexico. They are federally recognized. i cant remember there website but they have an official website.

7 months ago
The Cherokee Nation that is Located in Mexico, Is who i am refering to. Not Cherokee Mexicans LOL.

7 months ago
Here is the web address if anyone wants to look into it.

There is a detailed explanation of how they arrived in Mexico. My Question is Do they have a roll? Because there isn't a Genealogy area of there Offical website.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
LOL there is a cherokee nation of mexico. They are cherokee people that moved to mexico. They are federally recognized. i cant remember there website but they have an official website.